

Take me with you, breathe love into me.
Meet me at the horizon, steal away to the edge of the world.
Your lips versus good judgement.
We never were good thinkers, were we?
Old men pen legends of things we imagine to be real
As the storms blow in, seeking respite after weather less than desirable, we follow the dark clouds towards endless destinations.
The sea sings songs of times long lost, lives spoken little of after drowned in petty desired as waves of jealousy crash over, forgetting friendships.
Whatever we have is like a ball of yarn, thick yet so easy to rip, not so easy to get rid of.
I tear the strings to destroy the feeling the spins me and twists me, but I hold on to what I love so dearly.
You find other things, other islands in troubled waters,
Leaving me to drown at the merciless waves of my own heart.
I can’t seem to remember why I came here in the first place,
except that your eyes were so inviting I just couldn’t refuse.
Abandon me to myself, I’ll leave you to discover life.

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