

It was Saturday morning and I got up from bed. I looked around and felt kinda weird. I thought about last night about that person who I was talking to. How did she get my username?
I got walked toward my bed and got on my username, hoping she would be on again.


Unfortunately, she wasn’t on. I sat there, looking at the username. I started to chuckle a little at the name. I’ve always wondered why girls had weird names like that.
I got up and walked over to my bag and pulled out a notebook. I started to jot down some things about how I felt. I’m kind of a poet you might say, but not a lot of things rhymes though. Heh, but what ever.
Anyways, I start writing down about what was going on and even wrote about the girl I liked.
I looked over at the computer to see that she was on. I jumped up toward the computer and started typing to her…
“hey whats up?”

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