
Why Nobody's Ever Asked Me That

Lurch handed me the pepper spray. “Here, just in case.”

I walked to my bedraggled friends, uncertain what to do. “Mind if we join you?” I asked to break the tension.

There were only three chairs at the table, a small obstacle. Mendez jumped out of his seat. “Here, Jordan. Why don’t you take my seat.”


“That’s your name isn’t it?” he retorted. “I can keep calling you nancy-boy if you’d like.”

“Actually, I think I might.”

He shook my hand. “It was an honor to do battle with you, even if you are a nancy-boy.” He lowered his eyes, ashamed of being nice for a change.

“So, you and Jodi are a thing now, huh?” Tom asked, miserably.

“Funniest thing happened, Tom. I crushed her. She’s probably still writhing on the floor right now.”

Lurch and I shared a knowing smile. We all laughed, and laughed hard. The scheme had worked after all. I turned to Lurch.

“One more thing, do you mind if I ask, what’s your name?”

“Why no one’s ever asked me that before.” He beamed, glowing. “It’s Brad. Brad Garrett.”

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