Yeah, go ahead
yeah, you go ahead and defend him
its seems the only one that doesnt know the truth is you
all i see is hurt in your future, and it kills a little bit of my soul every time i hear your voice
but hey its your choice right?
ha, thats almost laughable, your “choice”
i hope he reads this, i hope it pisses him off to know that his charades dont fool anyone else, that everyone can see through his lies and his claims
yeah, you go ahead and chose him, the one who lied to your face in order to get away from you, the one that called you heartless, the one that said hed love to watch you die
its okay, i wont judge you for that, i already know the way i feel about you and nothing can or has changed that
yeah, your heart may melt into the ground when your with him, but that only makes it easier for him to walk all over you
yeah, i tried to pull you away, the way a rescuer may pull someone from a burning bus
go ahead and be with him, but if he ever tries to hit you again, to hurt you again, i cant say ill be here