
Campus Day

Denise was walking from class about two weeks later.
Yaz and Travis walked up to her.
“Hey Denise?” said the couple.
“Hey, your not mad at me anymore.” said Denise.
“No, I cant be mad at my bestfriend, and the bump you caused Travis, has went down.” they said.
They laughed.
“Have you talked to your sister?” said Denise.
“Yep, she’s fine. She’s finally home, back to her life.”
“With him?” said Denise.
“Yea, Classic Mystique, I love her though.” said Yaz.
“Has she forgiven me?” said Denise.
“Yeah” said Yaz. “Have you forgiven her?”
“Yes Yaz.”

Yaz walked over to see Trish talking to Sade.
“Hey wassup with you.” said Yaz.
“Me & Rell arent together anymore.” said Trish.
“Oh?” said Travis.
“Guess who, he is with now?”
“I dont know, who?”
“Not me!” said Trish. “Have you talked to Mikhael, Denise?”
“Have you?” said Yaz.
“Actually, I’m going to meet up with him, right now, as just friends.” said Denise.
“What ya’ll broke up.”
“Yep, like 2 weeks ago. Well he something important to tell me.”

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