Just A Little Police Problem
I could still hear her Dad yelling as I walked to my car. I paused indecisively; I didn’t really want to leave her there. Her dad sounded furious. Murderous.
One of the fuzz solved my problem for me. He stepped out from behind my car.
Him:Are you Mr. Drew Kesi?
I sighed. Me:Cut the crap, Rendor. Mom again?
He sighed. Him: Really Drew, You need to stop doing this to her. I’m tired of seeing her face around my office.
Me: Sorry.
Him: I just looked for your car.That’s how I do it now, you know. But in the future, could you give me at least a five-minute warning?Your mom’s phone calls are not the most delightful thing to wake up to from a nice night-office snooze.
I chuckled, me and Rendor went way back.He was my dad, my safety net, after the divorce.He always dealt with Mom when she was freaking.
Me: I don’t plan these things.
Him: She’s going to kill you, you know.
Me(sighing): Yeah, Cynthia’s Dad’s gonna kill her to.
Him: Was it worth it?
I scowled. Me: It wasn’t like that you pervert.
Him: Uh-huh