Annoyingly I think the title gets my point across better than the resulting Ficlet. It’s kind of about how you can find something to be outraged about everywhere if you look even slightly into any topic. To the point where you’re contradicting yourself and don’t know what to be more annoyed about. Then in the last bit I make confused attacks on the war, classes, political parties and religion all in 4 lines. Which I think is quite impressive.
I understood what you were going for, but have to say the last portion of your commentary on the ficlet actually made me laugh out loud. Then in the last bit I make confused attacks on the war, classes, political parties and religion all in 4 lines. Which I think is quite impressive.
The fact that it’s muddled works best with the message of this poem. Because it’s what so many of us feel at this time, “muddled outrage.” We’re angry, but we don’t know where we should be pointing the finger. This wasn’t your usual, Ruffino, but I really liked it. LoA
Russell Ruffino
♠Ana Cristina♥