“He said what?”
“He said he was coming for us, Johnny. He said he was back and he was coming for us. That was the whole message.”
“He can’t do that. Tom, you said. You said he was bound. You said he would never come back, at least not in our lifetimes. You said it was foolproof-”
“Maybe we were fools.”
“That’s not funny! You said he couldn’t come back! You said the ritual would bind him to the stone forever, then we took the stone up to the dam and rowed it out into the middle of the lake, and you said-”
“Stop throwing what I said back in my face. I know what I said.”
“Johnny, you promised.”
“I’m sorry. What do you want me to say? I was wrong. Maybe we did the spell wrong. Maybe we screwed it up somehow. Maybe something happened to the stone or something.”
“Did he say anything else?”
“I told you what he said, Johnny.”
“He could go after Mom first! We gotta warn her, Tommy, we’ve got to to call her-”
“And say what? What do you want to tell her, huh?”
“Oh God, this can’t be happening.”