A Kiss Good Night
The one thing I want you can’t give.
You don’t feel the same way I do.
I cry endless tears wanting to be with you.
You see me then you walk away, not a word as to why.
I can see it, but you can’t.
You refuse to love me because of what others might say.
Behind close doors, we are like two lovers so in love.
When we are out with friends I am just your friend.
I can’t put my finger on it nor can I continue to pretend any more.
My heart is breaking and you don’t seem to care.
I leave tonight in pain, looking in your eyes I can see you want to say don’t go.
I know I am no beauti queen or a model, but I am me.
You saw somthing in me that was not in other women yet you treat me like a toy.
I can’t open up your eyes so that you can see me for me.
know this as I leave, you are lost without me and no other woman will ever love you the way that I am inlove with you.
Who ever she is will have to know, you are a part of me and I a part of you. A kiss good night…..