Oh, Edna. They said we’d never make it, but look at us, eh? Still sweet on each other after all these years. Golden anniversary! Whoda thunk it, eh?
It’s been a good run. Alright, some stress now and then, the job at the plant never paid me enough. But we did okay in the end, didn’t we?
So it didn’t look like we’d make it back in ‘73. But I’ve forgiven you and Ted. I don’t think on it often. But I do think of it on our anniversaries, truth be told. Walking in on you and him in our bed. Next thing I knew, I had the pruning shears from the toolshed in my hands – remember that? The shears! Like I was doing yardwork!
Remember that awful little man pointing at me and shouting at the judge? Saying I should pay for taking two lives? And the nice man from the public defender’s office telling the jury… what was it he said? And me laughing so hard they had to take me out, eh? Remember? But they sent us to this nice little place in the country, eh? And we’ve lived happily ever after, like a fairytale!
Fifty years!