
The Mapiya

The girl has been floating lifelessly for minutes now, but the village elders have to wait until dawn for the destruction to be complete. Her sin was terribly grave, as she had risked the security of the community by consorting with a non-believer. I, however, could not fault her for wishing to escape; it is the secret wish of all but for the fear of reprisal as is evidenced now against the girl.
The Clan of the Mapiya has long been endowed with the freedom of skies, and we are the closest to nature in the great spaces between the earth and the heavens.
And now the faintest streaks of rose can be seen along the horizon, as the faint notes of a herald trumpet foretelling the arrival the divine. In a panic now, I lean over the edge of cliff from which she was thrown. She is still floating, and a sudden instinct overtakes me.
I dive down and spread my wings. As the brightest rays of sunlight reflect upon my golden-scaled body, I am able to pull her out and soar high, forever sealing together our fates and souls.

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