Look Up At The Stars
My heart was yearning,
my stomach forming knots.
I looked up at the stars wishing. I waited till 11:11.
Just wishing for him.
Love is such a complicated manner, how you can want some one so much.
The stars sparkled an innocent sparkle. Like they would grant my wishes if they could.
Everyone looks at stars when they yearn for something. Hoping that one day the stars would just grant their wish.
The stars there as always, twinkled back at you.
Giving empathy, as if they were somewhat human.
I wonder how many people have wished on the same star as me.
My glance studied the night sky, for probably the hundredth time.
I longed for something so much more.
Everyone looks the stars when they long for something.
And most of us are waiting for that one time in life when were not looking up at the sky for longing, for the time when we have what were longing for.