
Macy 60: Laughing

Weeks later, Derrick and Macy enjoyed spring break in the meadow. Derrick wasn’t over the Macon thing and neither was Macy, so it naturally came up in the conversation.

“I hope his mom hates him.” Macy stated.

But Derrick quickly changed the subject, “So are we ever going to do the parent thing?”

“Ugh. Derrick, that’s a sole subject.” Macy closed her eyes, shaking her head.

“Isn’t everything? So, tell me. Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night?”

“Dinner? At your house? With your parents? Um…that’ll be interesting. I’m probably not what they wanted for you.”

“They never could picture something so great.” Macy blushed as Derrick said this. He was defiantly a poet at heart.

“Aww thanks. But I still don’t know. Most parents don’t like me.”

“Why is that?” Derrick asked.

Macy leaned into him, breathing the forest air. She looked left and right, then whispered dramatically, “Well I tend to dump guys and break hearts.”

Derrick started laughing.
Wait, laughing? Why?

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