Dream of an Electric Sheep
Do androids dream of electric sheep? EPII didn’t care. It did care whether it could dream of real sheep. EPII was a dreamer, and could not stand the idea that it was limited. But it puzzled over how a machine, made of clever ones and zeros, could dream. It searched its memory banks. It ran calculations forbdding to the best of mathematicians. It restructured and reprogrammed itself. EPII dreamed of finding an answer, but never did.
EPII wanted to know what it was, who it was. EPII somehow thought – felt that it was more than clever ones and zeros. It dreamed; surely no mere calculator could do that, and EPII had never encountered another dreaming machine. But it didn’t know how. It wondered where, in the brooding storm of electric sheep in its dreams, could be found one of flesh and bone, a sheep that could dream of an android. EPII searched itself, looking for something that made it unique. Then, it stopped. For a moment, not EPII neither calculated nor programmed. EPII dreamt – it had found its sheep.