I hate rubix cubes! I end up throwing them across the room! good sequel and made an insight to how strong he is on the insite because without thinking he stood up to he boss. Loa
How can you hate rubix cubes? I love them! I’ve figured out how to not only finish it, but do little patterns on them!!! Wait… is that like totally nerdy? Oh well… LoA
I personally love rubix cubes, but I’ve never been able to figure out the little buggers. I have no patience for it. Never Explain, you’ve got some ‘splaining to do in that last sentence. It’s not very clear: “Anthony, completely forgetting all of his things at his desk, drove home to drove his suspicion.” I think you might have meant to “assuage” (etc.) his suspicion? Maybe it’s just me, but I didn’t get that line. Other than that, I’m loving how Anthony is starting to defend himself now.
I like that he’s starting to put two and two together. Although I agree with Ana Cristina that drove home to drove his suspicion doesn’t quite make sense. Other than that, brilliant. I love the bit about solving the rubix cube while it was airborne.
♠Ana Cristina♥
♠Ana Cristina♥
Never Explain