

I sat there in silence, not knowing where I was going. I felt so alone, like never before.
I started to feel guilty. John risked his life just to save me and died. That last moment of seeing him before he died, was like a sign. He had the kind of expression… telling me that I was his hope… hope to end everything.
I looked out the window to see I wasn’t the only one in a pod. I saw several pods near me and going the same way. Have they experienced what I just have?
The whole pod started to turn a little and began to turn upside down as it was going downward at about a 45 degree angle. I looked out the window and saw a huge landmass area where I was going to land. I couldn’t tell if it was an island or not, but at least it wasn’t anywhere near the war… or at least I hope it’s not.
The pod landed and I banged my head against the pod and the door opened. I grabbed my head and starred out to the sea.
I saw a couple of pods land in the water, and others went pasting by.
We’re the only survivors of the battle.

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