The Spinster
A light frost hardened the yellow ground, brought on by an uncomfortable dip in temperature. The cracked street appeared deserted; even the sun was reluctant to rise, hidden below the horizon. A solitary door creaked open, revealing the silhouette of a woman. Her body was child- like, though her face painted with deep lines. A puff of white hair sat on top of her head, and an oversized coat hung on her fragile frame. Her lips were stretched in a perpetual smile, contrasting her eyes, which reflected a painful sorrow. At the bottom of the doorway lurked several cats, escorting her out of the house. She paused to caress each before pushing the door closed. She then leaned against the wall, as if too fatigued to continue on. After a minute, a slipper clad foot popped out from beneath the coat to brave the first step. It took her several minutes to conquer all four before beginning to shuffle down the path to her driveway. Her destination was an old green clunker desperately in need of a new transmission.