Big and Small
Have you ever been in that weird mood? You know, you think about… big things, bigger than you, bigger than your own little world. Things you can’t control.
Does it make you feel small? Does it put things into perspective? Your own little world, everything you know, it’s all so temporary, isn’t it? Everything. Everything that matters, does it matter to other people? Or only you?
The world may not care, but some do. Those people. The ones who love you. The ones who care about you. They care about what your favorite band is, what mood you’re in today, that ficlet you wrote, that you’re so proud of. They care. You could mean the world to someone. That makes you pretty damn important.
Does someone mean the world to you? More than one person? Who do you love, care about? You probably know that feeling: about your sibling, parent, child, husband, wife, or best friend.
I bet someone feels that way about you.
So smile, because you’re loved. Smile: =]