I’ve had this song stuck in my head for a while now. I love it, but it’s time for it to stop playing on repeat i my brain now. I did always think it would make a neat ficlet though :)
Your descriptions are so on point, at times, I felt like I was watching a movie. No foolin. The click clack of the footfalls gave me the distinct impression of an empty department store—which added to the spying like feel of listening in on a conversation. Nice one there Melia.
Awesome ficlet. You introduced so much tension and quite a few questions into such a small amount of space. And, yes, did it in a very vivid and evocative way. I’m worried for Liz, however, since curiosity can get you in trouble (I resisted the cat commentary).
So much story in such a small space! I need to read more. Sequel? Please? (Sidebar: unlike tbs, I couldn’t resist the cat commentary, cats are mentioned in this ficlet, after all, so it’s only fair. I’ll even take the quote one step further: Curiosity killed the cat BUT satisfaction brought her back :p )
Tad Winslow
♠Ana Cristina♥