
halo, halo, and more halo

ill kill u if its the last thing i do chief!!!! the shining golden thing yelled!
The chief ( just started to crack up into the air.
(5 mintues later..)
DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE !!!!! This whole pack of aliens/mutans yelled!
Master chief was out numbered, 1 billion to 1! the odds were against him! But he knew what he had to do! He was going to save the world..
He lunged with his enrgy sword slashing and destroying everything in his path!! then he chucked his sword into a pile! What a sight!!
I’ll kill u all u..!!!!
Master cheif was so occupided with his shooting and slashing he forgot all about guarding! But he knew what he had to do! He had to wait till sun so all the monster would BURN and blow up!
He fighted for ever, but never gave up! Same speed and same streanth! He was amazing! But the more he killed the more came! He couldn’t find wear they were coming from! He looked everywere!
CRACK ! he got lunged on! Before u knew it everyone was on top of him piling and shooting!
Srry about my bad spelling

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