Awww. : [ ily bebe gurl. we won’t hurt you. either of us. any of us. we try. we love you. [[coughcough* still so best friend dont even deeennnyy coughcough*]] XD
Awww. : [
ily bebe gurl.
we won’t hurt you. either of us. any of us. we try. we love you. [[coughcough* still so best friend dont even deeennnyy coughcough*]] XD
hahaha i wnt but i dont lk him nymore so the series is OVER ! i do lk him but i dont cuz he’ll never lk me =/ w/e there’s always high school mabe he’ll mature……. he’ll never hurt me i swear, well physically at least, he’s never hit me on purpose.