
Dangerously Light

Back in the elevator, Natalie turned to face Anthony and suddenly noticed the Rubix Cube in his hand.

“Oh, I haven’t seen one of those since I was a kid! How cool. What’s a grown man doing with a toy like that?” Her eyes sparkled at him, teased him.

Anthony looked down at the multicolored cube in his hand as though noticing it for the first time. “This thing? I guess you can call it my stress reliever.”

“Your stress reliever? I thought those were supposed to be made out of rubber, so you can squeeze them or something, you know, to relieve your stress?”

Anthony watched as Natalie scrunched up her nose in her confusion and he thought he’d never seen a cuter girl in his life… But he had to concentrate on coming up with an answer, because the cube was beginning to feel dangerously light in his hand again. Come to think of it, he was beginning to feel strangely light, too, almost as though he were made out of air…

The next thing he knew, Anthony was floating five inches above the elevator floor.

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