
Official First Date Part 2 (New Beginnings Series)

He drove up to a hill that overlooked the city. He parked the car, went to his trunk and pulled out a basket. From the basket he pulled out a blanket, a few candles, wine glasses, and food; he had finger foods such as fruits, veggies, dips, cheese, and sparkling cider. Things they could eat with they talked. They had regular conversation about how their days went and what they did. After the food, Teal took Mystique by the hand and led her a little further up the hill. He had a telescope and another blanket laid out on the ground. They spent the rest of the night looking at the stars. She lay on his stomach.

“Thank you for a great night Teal. It was very romantic.â€?
“Oh don’t thank me yet, the night is not over Ms.â€?

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