March 12
Fog, fog and more fog. It’s been 3 days and I haven’t seen the sun yet. The dampness permeates everything. It’s too thick to risk going to town plus the rain from last week is still pooled on the drive and roads. The mud is almost unholy.
Three days of fog isn’t unusual but it is depressing after the harsh winter we had in the mountains. Spring approaches because I have been seeing more squirrels out and about gathering the nuts they tucked away last fall. Which reminds me, I checked the food stores and we should have enough food to last for 4 more weeks before I have to make a trip into town.
Catherine’s condition is neither improving nor getting worse. She remains ‘lost’ to the world, which pains me as much as loosing our son. When the weather breaks, I’ll have to get Doc Redburn to come up and figure out what’s wrong with her. Ever since Daniel disappeared down that hole behind the thicket by the brook, all she does is stare off into space and mumble. I fear it was too much for her to bear.