Make Friends With Chocolate
So, what do we think?
This is delicious.
What is it?
No idea.
It might not be safe. Have you looked at the wrapper?
Yes, but I can’t read what it says.
We haven’t translated their alphabet yet.
Why not? Isn’t this one the most prominent?
One of the most prominent, yes.
So what’s the delay?
The translators are arguing about which to do first.
Sometimes I think it’s a wonder we ever manage to talk to anybody at all.
We always do it eventually.
Listen! Somebody’s coming!
The lights flickered on as Ian entered the lab for the morning, going straight to the computer to see if it had finished. Something caught his eye – a chocolate bar wrapper, fluttering to the floor, empty save for a few crumbs. A sense of wonder filled him as he looked around.
“So they did come…”
That night he left two of the same kind of bar and a note with his picture at the top.