

The new drug rep, with stars in her eyes and a car trunk full of the newest pharmaceutical to cure man’s ills, found she was lost in the back woods of her new territory.

She hoped her company car knew the way back to civilization. Instead, it led her to a fog bank that obliterated her view of the road before her. At 1 PM, it was an interesting sight.

Knowing that going back wouldn’t help and with nowhere else to go, she drove through it.

On the other side, she saw a little boy who looked out of place, with his old-fashioned clothing, shoes and haircut. She noticed a lesion on him that her drug would treat. Even though she wasn’t a doctor (and didn’t play one on TV, a technology the boy didn’t look like he even knew about), she gave him the drug.

The boy smiled and simply said, “Thank you, madam.” A touch of kindness not normally seen in her modern world.

At that point, the fog enveloped her, her car and the boy. It disappeared, leaving just her and the mindless auto.

That’s when all hell broke loose.

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