
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM

8:37:09 PM

Sarah answered her cell before the first ring had stopped. “Chloe O’Brien.”

“Chloe,” the voice on the other end of the line said, “It’s Tony.”

“Tony! Where are you?”

“The perp turned out to be a dead end,” Randall explained. “I’m checking out the scene where Jack was taken, but local PD are claiming jurisdiction and getting in the way. Have you and Edgar got anything?”

“Jack called in. He ID’d one of his captors as a Victor Menendez, but then we lost contact. It’s not much to go on, but we’re running it.”

“Okay, I’ll find out what I can here, then meet you at CTU ,” Randall said.

“No!” Sarah shouted, causing heads to turn. “CTU’s been shut down and Division is looking for you. Edgar and I are running a remote.”

Sarah listened for Randall’s reaction.

“Acknowledged,” he said finally. “I’ll be in touch. But I need a favor.”

“What?” Sarah asked.

“It’s almost nine,” he said. “One of you has to go and TiVo Fox.”

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