
What a Party

A good party starts just after lunch and will end days later, often somewhere else, and usually with far more people than the host had invited. This party wasn’t quite that good – it was midnight and already things were starting to wind down.

It’d clearly been a fun time. There was a fairly laid-back, relaxed atmosphere now, but somehow Seb couldn’t get comfortable. Maybe it was because he was surrounded by people who’d quite clearly had a fair bit to drink. Or maybe it was the couple to his left who were kissing, fondling, and generally being very naughty.

“Blimey, you look uncomfortable,” said Mark, sitting down to Seb’s right, beer bottle in hand. “Why don’t you ask them to stop?”

“I don’t want to be rude.”

“They’re doing things people usually pay to see, Seb. I don’t think ‘rude’ is an alien concept to them.”

Seb downed the last of his orange juice, turned to the passionate couple and tapped the gentleman on the shoulder.

“Excuse me,” said Seb,”But would you mind… not groping my girlfriend?”

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