

I hadn’t seen him in ten years and already I wanted ten more years away from him. Some people got a hero for a father, I’d settle for a decent guy.

I got this. Life sucks.

He hasn’t noticed me, I can still run! Yet, I find myself drawn to him. Why are we pulled in by our families? Women who can’t leave violent men and, I guess, vice versa. Kids who love parents that abuse them. Why?

My mind races. I need revenge! I need to forgive. I want to escape! RUN !

Yet he can’t hurt me any more. The years have turned the tables of power on him.


He is a powerful man, susceptible to public opinion. I can damage him. Men like him lust after power above all else. I can hurt him.


I can’t do that. I pull my hat down further. His security look my way. I try not to look suspicious. They double check me. I sink into the crowd that is gathering.

I know what to do. This moment has long been fomenting in my mind.

I know what to do.

I steel myself. I think of home.

I know what I must do.

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