
Macy 67: Happy

“Macon, you’re the liar.” Macy whispered and he went over getting in her face.

“What was that? I don’t know what you’re talking about when you begged for my car.” Macon challenged.

“That’s not true! You pulled me inside!”

Macon started backing her up against the wall again, “Yet you never fought me. I don’t know Macy, but it sounds like you like me. You don’t right?” He leaned in, that sweet smell cologone invading the air around Macy. His face was inches from hers. And he whispered, “You don’t, right?”

Macy sighed, then controlled herself. “Stop it! Stop doing that thing to me!”

Macon moved away, standing beside Derrick and asked, “What thing? You’re not making much sense Macy.”

Macy growled, storming to the door. “I’m leaving.”

Macon’s grin was visible though she wasn’t facing him. “But wait, you have to stay for the story about you.” Macy froze with her hand on the door. She reluctantly turned back. “Yeah, that’s right.” Macon said, his control over everyone clearly making him happy.

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