i really like the description of lady huxtable. she seems pretentious but there’s something inside that’s trying to break out.LoA
Fantasticly done. I love the bit of about indecency and being forward
Good description, great dialogue. I haven’t read the prequel, but I get the sense that Lady Huxtable is a pretty witty.
Perfection! That’s exactly how I pictured Lady H. And I’m loving the title. :-)LoA
haha, the scheming little sphinx.
I’ve continued this series, after leaving it on the shelf for about a month. My latest update can be found here:http://ficlets.com/stories/34744I hope you will keep contributing to the series as you add a certain je ne sais quoi to the mix! :D
Nouvelle Bardot
♠Ana Cristina♥
♠Ana Cristina♥