
Seeking Forgiveness

Each day that passed after that fateful moment was an empty void where once such beauty could have filled. It was hard for him to imagine that eight long years had passed without the sound of laughter or the sight of his boy’s face aglow with bemused curiosity.

He never saw the other car, had no chance to avoid it as it raced along it’s destructive path in the black of night. In an instant everything changed and it could never be the same. The shattered pieces of his life would never be made whole. As the rain pattered down over the twisted wreckage he saw the light of life fade from his child’s eyes and it haunts him still.

She had agreed to meet but he dreaded the sight of her. Arriving early he tried in vain to bolster his courage with Four Roses. Could he bring himself to say it now? He had finally resolved that it was the only answer to the pain, but now that it finally came to it, would he find the words? Would she return with what he so desperately needed to hear?

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