
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM

8:55:28 PM

Just get in, set the machine, and get out, Arnold thought to himself, sneaking into his own home. Get in, set the machine, get out.

The family room was dark and empty. His parents preferred to watch TV in bed. Arnold set to work programming the TiVo.

8:57:03 PM

Randall walked along the tape line to where the object lay. When he was within arm’s reach of it, he bent to tie his shoe.

As he pushed himself off the ground, Randall palmed the item. He slid the object into his pocket, dusted himself off, and casually walked away.

8:59:11 PM

Arnold finished setting the TiVo and prepared to make his getaway. But then he heard it.

“The following takes place between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM,” Keifer Sutherland voiced over.

Maybe five minutes, Arnold thought, sitting down to watch in the darkness.

In that moment, the lights came on in the family room.

“Arnold? Is that you?” It was the voice of his mother.

Damn it! Arnold thought.

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