First Morning
She woke up the next morning surprised that she got any sleep to begin with. She rolled over to look at the clock but like everything else in the room, it was broken. She got dressed, fixed her hair, brushed her teeth & walked out the door. The hall clock seemed to be working & if it was, then it was 6 AM. Just 4 hours before she was alone in the street crying…She quickly forced those thoughts out of her head & concentrated on what kind of job to search for. Walking out of the hotel now, she headed for the bus stop & just barely caught the bus. She stepped on the bus & dropped her money in the slot. Slowly she took her seat by the window & continued on thinking about her future job. Suddenly she was startled by the sneezing of a man just a few seats behind her. While boarding the bus a few min. before she thought the bus was empty. She turned around to look at this boy who didn’t look so much older than she did. He smiled & surprisingly stood up to sit next to her. He grinned “Mind if I ask you something?”