One Moment's Defeat
It was then Jack saw the tears that were relentlessly pushing their way out in Anna’s eyes. Anna quickly looked down. She hated looking weak, and she hated feeling weak even more.
Jack put one hand on each of her shoulders and caught her eyes with his. “Anna, what’s happened to you?”
Anna looked down again. “I barely even know this boy, what does he care about anything? I just met him on a bus 10 min. ago..” Jack interuppted her scattered thoughts by pulling her closer to him to hold her. All her thoughts disappeared, and for a brief moment she didn’t care. She let her tears fall and she hugged Jack back as he whispered “shhh..there now” in her ear. She hardly knew this boy, and yet here he was calming her and holding her in his arms. After a moment of giving in, Anna quickly came back to her senses and she pushed Jack away, and turned around and just stood there facing the sun.
“Anna..” Jack almost whispered as he stepped closer to her again. “I don’t even know you,” Anna managed to say. Jack smiled..