

At the edge of the universe, where space meets nothingness, a disruption began to form. It grew, forming matter which soon began to animate. From nothing, there was something. An army from beyond the confines of space and time, their destination, earth.

On earth, preparation for the onslaught began. There were no people, no animals, no life, yet preparation began. Through the ages life was nudged, manipulated, compelled to war, refining the art of war. If they had to go, those who knew themselves to be the true target of the pending onslaught would take humanity with them.

The moment came. They steeled themselves for battle and their serfs prepared their arsenals for what they believed to be an extraterrestrial assault. The proximity of the invading army set the heavens ablaze. Their quarry defiant to the last, rushed to meet them baring their teeth. The battle raging in the visible realm paled in comparison to that which was unseen to human eyes.

Suddenly, silence, stillness. The Master entered the scene.

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