As i sit watchin her, i realise how waisted away she has become, trying to find love which only ends in heart ache. So what? because her love life isn’t perfect, she has to clean all the time to make the house hold seem perfect.
She infuriates me sometimes. Just because she is my mother, doesn’t mean i have to sit back and watch her give up on the fun in life.
So she has had a bit of bad luck with guys, does that mean you give up?
No, i wont give up, she can but i will never.
The sky outside is so beautiful, i love to watch the clouds and the way the sun dances across them as it sets in the afternoon.
This afternoon is different though, everything feels like it is going so slow.
“He will forgive. He will come back” i continue to tell myself, as i sit on the old wooden bench chair we have on our back varanda.
“He loves me, like i love him. Love lasts forever!!”