
A seemingly mundane morning (Realization Challenge, and kinda a true story)

I got up around 10:30 the next morning. Oh my God… We must’ve talked for hours last night…
I rubbed my eyes and looked over at my ipod in its docking station. I reached over and clicked Shuffle Songs, and Lights by Journey started playing. Strangely enough, it made me think about her, and the night before.

I took a short shower and spent about half an hour looking at myself in the mirror, making absurd faces and trying to make my hair stay in one place. My parents weren’t home, so the house was quiet. I welcomed this change, for I don’t think I could’ve handled another day of my mother’s demands…
I went downstairs and poured myself a bowl of honey nut cherios, spilling a bit of milk over the side of the bowl. Oh well… I stretched and sat down, facing the broad rear window of my house. The sun shined through gloriously, luminating the room in a bright golden glow. I squinted and took a spoonful of cherios in my mouth, then dropped the spoon to the floor…
“O my God… I like her…”

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