
Return of Dr. WHO

The archeology team on Minas 7 was unearthing something when Dr. William Harris Orson arrived at the dig. The sound of the las-diggers echoed through the evening with an eerie hum. He was dressed in a long trench, and had wild white hair. The only other notable thing, was that he seemed in an aweful hurry.

As he walked closer to the object being unearthed, his pulse quickened, and he became short of breath. He had been searching for this for his entire life, having been told the family story, over and over. He would make that story a reality.

A crane was now lifting the object out of the earth, and gingerly sat it down on the ground. He moved in close, and smiled a satisfying smile. It was the find he was looking for.

What sat before him was a battered old police box, reminiscent of those in London many many years ago. He pulled a very old looking paper from his pocket, and gingerly unfolded it. On that paper, was written a single word, TARDIS . “Excellent”, he thought – “the adventure begins.”

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