To give credit where credit is due, the line about me using a pencil long enough to reach the ceiling whilst lying in bed with my cat is from the great G.K. Chesteron. I couldn’t find the exact quote, but it was something to that effect. :p
It worked, the whole long pencil thing. Gave it all a sense of childhood whimsy clinging to life beneath the ill effects of growing up into an adult world. Writing is a serious thing, especially if you want to get paid for it! (just spent some time looking into getting an agent…complicated!)
Yes, but did you have a pencil holder in the shape of an even gianter pencil? Because that’s what cool kids like me had. I swear, it was really cool. LoA
Love it! And the actual act of writing brings about a completely different sense of accomplishment still. Sometimes my hand just itches to sit down and write anything. The curls of cursive and staccato of print (especially with a fine tip ballpoint black ink pen that flows smoothly and evenly—yeah I am a bit picky.) Ah, the memories. ;)
♠Ana Cristina♥
THX 0477
Mistress Elsha Hawk
Saint Chuck