Never Grow Up ,Not Me.(Saint Chuck's When I Grow Up Challenege)
Well, I haven’t ‘grown up ’ yet, I still don’t really know what I want to do when I grow up.
Growing up in a city, I had a fascination for taxi cabs, the checkered cab. I used to have matchbox and Hot wheels cars and would pretend I was the driver.
I had a friend whose dad was a milkman, delivered milk to the stores in a truck. It fascinated me. To be a milkman was a dream job. Funny how two of the jobs I wanted as a boy required driving and I still have no drivers license.
Another friend’s father was a Arial photographer, hanging out of helicopters to take pictures of the city .I have had a life long love of photographs, taking pictures is a hobby, not a profession.
I always wanted to be a writer after reading the Hardy Boys, Clifford the Big Red Dog and those Golden books.
Reality struck and I became a painter of houses and lawn care. Ironic because I grew up in a brick row home in Philadelphia and never even saw grass.