always good to laugh at yourself.a rock finder, for fossils, you were a pretty smart seven year old! :)
I collected rocks when I was a youngie! lolLoA
I definetly wanted to be a rock finder when I was little. I think I even managed to find a few fossils…Nice work!LoA
Captured the childhood spirit perfectly. If I can’t drive an ice cream truck I guess I’ll just be a astronaut, kinda thing. Very enjoyable read.
Captured the childhood spirit perfectly. If I can’t drive an ice cream truck I guess I’ll just be a astronaut, kinda thing.
Very enjoyable read.
wow the innocence of childhood is portraye here nicely. I like the dialouge between child and parent. I coul almost hear the child speak. :)
haha love the last dialogue line. Great essence of childhood and innocence all portrayed at once. Great Job, as usual, Blu =D
Mistress Elsha Hawk
Saint Chuck
Steve Fairweather