We can never be separated
The sun shone brightly, and the wind blew softly across his face as he stared out at the ocean, thinking of nothing, and everything.
“You seem a million miles away.”
He turned and, like clockwork, she was there. Sharing his beach towel, staring at him. She was beautiful and unassuming, with a gentle look on her face. She seemed genuinely concerned about him, and he felt at ease with her.
“I’m not sure where I am right now.” He answered.
“We’re together, so does it matter?” She quipped.
She leaned in ever so slightly. Just enough to let him know that her lips waited for him, but not so much to force the issue.
He leaned towards her, and they kissed. Passion overtook him, and where he was, and who he was with no longer mattered. Their kiss seemed to go on for an eternity, but he knew it was coming. It always did.
He woke up.
The same woman in a dream that occurred almost nightly now. She seemed so familiar but he knew that they had never met.
He longed to know this woman.