
A lot of Thinking

Faith and Victoria wait outside as Allie talks to the doctor while other doctors are still working on Mia. They can only hear muffled talking because the door is closed. This bothers them both a lot.

“I want to know what they are saying!” yells faith slamming her hand into the wall. “Owww!” She yells and craddled her hand.

“Me too, but I am sure Allie is telling them something important right?” Said Victoria, her voice stuttering.

“Hopefully, but Allie is know to flip stories for her own gain. She will probably leave her boyfriend out of the picture as the reason why Mia has been back on drugs. God I hope it is only drugs!” This time Faith kicks the wall. “Owww! Why I keep hurting myself!”

Once again Victoria pays no atention to the kick. “Oh you are right, god knows that Mia is a party girl that could possibly be on something else! Maybe we are over thinking this, I think it is just drugs, don’t you think so? I do!” Victoria says frantically, as if she still can’t convince herself.

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