
Sioni's Fears

As Sioni walked through the gates to the city, the outline of the palace came into view. It was huge, it was beautiful, and most importantly, it held promises of Alfred. Sioni walked silently behind Ridda, knowing her family lived here somewhere… Without her.

Sioni realized she was clutching her skirt nervously, and relaxed her hands. They made their way up the cobblestone main street in town, Ridda and Joseph in the lead, with Sioni just a few steps behind. Her head suddenly filled with visions of Alfred, thoughts of him, memories of his voice. The image of him, eyes bandaged, burned into her memory. She tried desperately to think of anything else, but found her mind wandering to the thought of Alfred and a new love, a regal wife. She decided it would be best to distract herself.

I don’t really care anyway… He’s just a stupid prince. She tried to think of him the way she had when he’d sung sonnets about her hair from below her window. No matter how much she thought of it, she still loved him.

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