Why Don't You Open Up That Safe?
The best part of being a bank robber is picking out the costumes. At least that’s what Britney thought anyway. As the outlaws combed a costume shop in search of great disguises, one of the employees seemed a little too interested in their activity.
“There something I can help you with?” The manager asked forcefully.
“We’re fine. Buzz off!” Jared responded.
The manager started to say something else, but then he spotted Jared’s gun bulging out of the side of his pants. He quickly stalked off toward the door to his office.
“What about this one?” Britney asked, holding up a Chewbacca costume.
“A little flashy don’t you think?” Jared said, distracted. “Something more subtle. Get me a leisure suit and an afro. I’ll be right back.”
Jared followed the manager through the double-doors and eavesdropped. Damn, he called 911!
“That was a stupid thing to do,” Jared said, before he pistol-whipped him. “Get on the floor, now, asshole! Should’ve minded your own business, pal. Now, why don’t you open up that safe?”