
Scared Horses

Alfred’s horse’s eyes suddenly widened, and rolled with terror. The horses of the other men with him bolted, sending his search party into different directions. Alfred struggled to calm the horse, while trying to keep himself from harm. It reared, nearly sending him flying, but he managed to hold on.

Alfred had decided to go back and ask his father what to do about the alphyn. Surely, the king would have a suggestion to defeat the mythical beast. He and his search party had turned to go back to the castle, hoping to find Sioni on the way. Though they’d had no luck in that department, many of the men reported glimpses of unicorns, and a beautiful woman with long, ebony hair between the trees in the night.

He leaped from his horse as it reared again, landing facedown in the moldering leaves and dust that coated the forest floor. He sat up gingerly, checking for any injuries… Nothing but a bruise on his backside, thank goodness. The horse ran off into the forest, and Alfred stood, eager to return home.

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