
buts, dresses, and appatite

“But! But! I don’t have time for buts. I need to be eaten! and now!”

“I’m sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking.”



“What! I can’t believe you! Eat me already!”

“I told you, I can’t eat anybody that i like.”

“Fine, then. I’m never talking to you. Ever again.”

“i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to make you mad. i just would like to eat you pretty.”

“you mean makeup, hair, dresses and such? ya. i can do that. do you have any?”

“Their in the back to the left.”

“ok. here i am. now eat me! i beg of you?”

“calm down, i will. I like your hair by the way.”

“thanks! i used a deep conditioner with a special type of palmade in it and… hey! stop distracting me!”

whisper: “darn! i thought that would work.” not whisper: ” i can’t eat you anymore. i’m not hungry. see you around! the door’s strait ahead. thanks for coming!”

“Thats not fair!” sfx: stomping foot.

“why not?”


“because what?”

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