
Car Wreck

i walk away from the car wreck that is my life
i try to follow what others tell me to do
but i look back over my shoulder at the still burning flames
i see the bodies of the ones i love, burning alive, trying to get out
i tried to save them, each of them, i tried to protect them
there was nothing i could do
now i have to watch as the fire consumes them, as the smoke fills their lungs and their struggles become weaker
my hands are covered in blisters, trying to break through the twisted and burning metal, to pull them from the raging inferno that they are entombed in
the physical pain is nothing compared to the pain of knowing i wont see them again, hear their voices, the pain of knowing that i failed each of them, that it was all my fault…
NO, i cant walk away, not while they are still trapped, not while there is still hope, i run back to the wreckage and scream above the roar of the flames
i cry out in agony as i burn along with them, “i cant leave you, i cant…”

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