
Please remember

you think i forgot how i felt about you dont you?
you think i magicked it all away, made it all disappear
you think that i hate you
you think i cant stand to look at you
none of thats true
i look for you, there is never a moment when i dont want to see you
the way you move, the way you sound, the way you looked when you used to walk up to me
ive memorized it all, every expression, every emotion that i ever saw on your face
i always knew what to say to make you smile, and when you did, i felt nothing but pride that it was ME that made you happy
i remember so much about you
the way your hands were always cold, the way you looked with your hair over your face, every little thing, everything you ever said to me, is locked away inside my head, entire conversations about absolutely nothing, still meaningful to me
now its time that you remember, its time that i stop pretending, i cant do it anymore
remember i said i loved you and nothing would change that?
remember i said you were perfect?

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